Friday, April 15, 2011

Reaching for the Tools

A writer opens her computer
An artist takes her brush
A carpenter picks up his hammer
A chef turns on the stove
A garderner prepares the soil
A seamstress threads the needle

Me... I open up my heart

A writer composes with words
An artist applies the paint
A carpenter builds with wood
A chef designs with food
A gardener requires seeds
A seamstress must have cloth

Me...I create with love

We all have the ability to be something special.  We all have the ability to create.  We all have the tools to contribute to the world around us.  It saddens me when I hear someone say they are not creative, that they are just an average person.  Each of us hold a unique view of the world.  Each of us have something to contribute.

You don't agree?  Then let me ask you?  Are you a mother, a father, an uncle, an aunt, a sister, a brother, a friend?  Can you smile, give a good hug?  Can you listen?  Can you laugh?  Can you cry with a friend?  Can you write a note?  Can you hold a child?  Can you offer kindness?  Can you reach out your hand?

Then you, my friend, are an artist.  Let the painting begin.

Copyright 2011 Ramblings by Dawn.  All rights reserved.


  1. Oh Dawn! This one is amazing. I love it. I've never looked at myself as an artist, but reading this I found myself looking at things with my girls, and I realize I've had to do some really creative things at times to comfort them. Same holds true with my friends.
    Once again, you have given me a new way to look at things :-)

  2. We all paint life in all it's beautiful textures. Even a thought is creating.

    Great post!
