Wednesday, August 31, 2011


what you release
comes back to you
what you do
will be done to you
what you say
will come back to haunt you
the energy you project
will be the energy you receive
what you give to the world
will be given to you

so let love rule your life
let humility guide your steps
let forgiveness be in your heart
let understanding fill your mind
and let healing touch our world

All too often we react without thoughts of the consequences.  We spout anger and hate just to blow off some steam.  We focus only on what seems to ease our pain at any given moment.  To step outside of our selfish motives and be conscious of the greater good, that is wisdom.  When we can do that, we heal the world and invite the universe to look kindly on our souls.

Copyright 2011 Ramblings by Dawn.  All rights reserved.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011


wings without the courage to fly
words without the courage to speak
ideas without the courage to act
a big heart without the courage to love
fireworks without the spark
a better world lost in the dark

looking for the courage
to change the world

So often we allow the best we have to be lost in our own self doubt.  We allow the opinions or words of others to dampen the spirit within our souls.  Our world needs all of us to be courageous and live to our full potential.  Let's open our hearts.

Copyright 2011 Ramblings by Dawn.  All rights reserved.

Monday, August 29, 2011

The Rocks

a rocky future
built from the past
issues unresolved
secrets i can't admit
feelings i bury
thoughts i ignore
a collection of what if's
repeated mistakes
detours and dead ends
things i left behind
now loom ahead

time to climb through
regardless the wounds
time to shed tears
and let the blood flow
time to be strong
and learn to grow
for if i don't
they will reappear

Life presents many challenges and opportunities.  Lessons we must learn.  When we choose to ignore these lessons they tend to come back again.  Each time more forceful than the previous time.  The mistakes we make tend to visit us over and over, until we get it right.  As daunting as it seems, perhaps it is time to face them head on. 

Taking the time to deal with our issues allows us to truly put the past to rest.  It allows us to love ourselves.  When we love ourselves, we tend to attract love from others.   Time to get love off the rocks.

Copyright 2011 Ramblings by Dawn.  All rights reserved.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Love and Chocolate

love chocolate
it calms me
it soothes me
it encourages me
it comforts me
it motivates me
chocolate is my best friend

white chocolate
milk chocolate
dark chocolate
chocolate with fruit
chocolate with nuts
chocolate with toffee
chocolate with caramel
at times any chocolate will do

kitkats and reeses
hersheys and m&ms
nestle crunch
milky way
3 muskateers
all good chocolate
but the best chocolate
is godiva chocolate
there are no words

there is a chocolate
for every situation

love is the same

Love comes in many forms.  The love that comforts one may not speak to others.  The love that touches my heart may not touch yours.  But love is love because it speaks to our individual needs.  This is the love we all crave.  This is the love our heart desires. When we speak love to others, we should make sure to speak in a language they understand.

Copyright 2011 Ramblings by Dawn.  All rights reserved.

Thursday, August 25, 2011


someone is watching
looking up to you
someone notices
all you do

someone is listening
hearing your words
learning to speak
repeating every sound

someone is following
wherever you lead
watching your steps
trying to fill them

someone needs your love
counts on your compassion
craves your attention
needs you to validate them

someone is watching
trying to grow
becoming exactly
what they learn from you

It is easy to understand that children learn from their parents.  What is not always remembered is that everyone in your life is watching you.  Everyone is learning something from you.  And you are learning from everyone around you.  What we share with each other determines the world around us.  What are you contributing to this world?

Copyright 2011 Ramblings by Dawn.  All rights reserved.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011


when do we learn about masks
why are they necessary
how do we learn to hide
our true selves
where is the wisdom
of a mask
what is wrong
with who we are
why do we teach our children
to wear masks
why do we teach our children
to be something they are not
why is the innate beauty
not acceptable
when we teach children
about masks
are we teaching them


Trying to coax my granddaughter to put on the mask today, let's just say it was a challenge.  When I told her she would be pretty, she put the mask down, grinned, said pretty while doing the sign for pretty.  A simple message from a child.  We are beautiful just the way we are. 

Copyright 2011 Ramblings by Dawn.  All rights reserved.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Magnetic Heart

my heart collects
from all around
pulls in bits
from here and there
attracts the good
absorbs the bad
is changed by all
within its path

my heart collects
all sorts of things
some cause pain
some share warmth
some try to wound
some heal with touch

my open heart
does not discern
it feels it all
it tries to learn
searching for the answer
hoping to take in
the single thing
that would explain
what love
really is

Everything around us affects our heart.  Even when we try to block certain feelings out.  What we don't always realize is that the action of blocking affects our heart.  Often times more than the very things we are barricading.  We can't always block the pain.  The best lessons are often in the painful lessons along the way.

My thought is this, rather than blocking things out or holding everything in, we should learn to filter out the crud.  Let's not be afraid to learn the painful lessons.  But holding onto the pain instead of the lesson can be detrimental to our hearts and our souls.

Copyright 2011 Ramblings by Dawn.  All rights reserved.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Another Turn

A turn of the hourglass
A sweep of the hands
What I know
Is upside down

A twist of fate
A decision made
A moment lost
Buried in the past

Moving forward
Can't go back
Turn again
Another change

The sand
So swiftly flows
The hands
Move faster every day

Time to start
What I intend
For if I don't
It may not be

Time is a funny thing.  There have been times in my life that I thought would never end.  Hours seemed like days, days like weeks and weeks like years.  Now looking back, I wonder where all the time has gone.  How did it pass so quickly.
Time changes so many things. When my children were young, I expected them to always let me know where they were and what they were doing.  The other day, my daughter was worried about me, because I didn't leave her a note telling her where I was going.  When she arrived home, I wasn't there.  She was worried about me.  Funny how things get turned around throughout our lives.
Time is going so fast, it is time to make my dreams come true.
Copyright 2011 Ramblings by Dawn.  All rights reserved.

Saturday, August 20, 2011


is not always
when looking
from the outside

is not always
the same way

is not easy
to determine
or to agree

does not
just because
of age

is hidden
deep within
the heart
full of

Having a sense of worth is important to everyone.  Worth increases with every new experience.  It is sad to me that sometimes we don't know our own worth.  It is sad to me that sometimes we don't appreciate the worth of others.  How much would the world benefit if we could share our worth?

Copyright 2011 Ramblings by Dawn.  All rights reserved.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Happy Face

when it seems
your life
is full of trash
bits and pieces
odds and ends
time to put on a happy face
create something new
laugh at yourself
add some joy
to the universe
and it will
come back to you

Copyright 2011 Ramblings by Dawn.  All rights reserved.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Step Outside

Step outside yourself
See the world a different way
Step into someone else's life
How would your opinions change

Would you discover more
Would you understand
There is more gray
Than black and white

Would your judgements
Be more flexible
Would your compassion
Be enhanced

Would you explore
The unlikely
Would you breakdown
Would you experience a revelation

Would you see the world
Through new eyes
Would you realize
There's more than one way

If you delved into the private lives
Of those you judge so swiftly
Would you realize their capacity
For love and compassion
Would you feel guilty
For your misconceptions
Or would you only see
The darker side

Copyright 2011 Ramblings by Dawn.  All rights reserved.

Sunday, August 14, 2011



i do not fit the mold
i don't do normal
i don't conform to the status quo
i see the world differently
i may be a little twisted
but i am me

and really
aren't we all
a little odd

Copyright 2011 Ramblings by Dawn.  All rights reserved.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

In and Out

words flow in
words flow out
message garbled
knowledge tainted
warnings ignored
wisdom lost

of all the words
we hear each day
why do we let
the important ones
slip away

Copyright 2011 Ramblings by Dawn.  All rights reserved.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Resilient Heart

i've offered my heart
only to have it rejected
i've given my heart
only to have it broken
i've shared my heart
only to have it shattered
i've opened my heart
only to have it destroyed

i've wallowed in pain
shed some tears
been convinced
i would never love again

and yet

my heart bounces back
it heals itself
my heart aches to reach out
i will love again
my heart is resilient

Copyright 2011 Ramblings by Dawn.  All rights reserved.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Pet Rock

pet rock
best friend
only has eyes for you
listens to everything you say
agrees with you
never criticizes
never argues
there whenever you want
doesn't mind if left alone
never offended
never hurt
never hurts you
best friend
pet rock

I'd rather have a friend who knows my faults, tells me the truth and loves me anyway.

Copyright 2011 Ramblings by Dawn.  All rights reserved.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

My Cape

My cape is torn and tattered
It's stained with sweat and tears
And yet I wear it proudly
And have for several years

I use to feel invincible
Prepared for every turn
Quick to pick them up
Guiding as they learned

I taught them love and reason
I taught them to be strong
I tried to prepare them
For the world they'd face alone

Now they're grown
Making their own choices
I cannot protect them
As they search for their own voices

A bandaid and a kiss
a hug and simple words
No longer heal the wounds
They receive from this big world

My cape is torn and tattered
My heart is stained with tears
I cannot shield their hearts
I cannot calm their fears
But I will always love them
As they face each new frontier

Copyright 2011 Ramblings by Dawn.  All rights reserved.

Monday, August 8, 2011


to treat fairly
to treat all people the same
to balance

to decide or judge
without prejudice

it is what it is
for each zig
there is a zag

life is not always fair
life does not always seem just
actions have consequences

karma is the justice of the universe
my name is not karma
nor is yours
no desire to look over my shoulder
no desire to wait for karma to catch up
think i will leave it to the universe

who am i to judge

Copyright 2011 Ramblings by Dawn.  All rights reserved.

Saturday, August 6, 2011


my children
the reason i hope
for a better world
the reason i have hope
in a better world

My life has had ups and downs.  I have made mistakes.  I have learned difficult lessons along the way.  But I am proud of my children.  They are my greatest joy and my greatest accomplishment.  When I watch them navigate through this world, led by their heart, I am proud of who they have become.  I have taught them love.  And they teach the world around them.  They are my hope.

Copyright 2011 Ramblings by Dawn.  All rights reserved.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Paper Bag

fighting your way out of a paper bag
not as easy as it sounds
pulling yourself up by the bootstraps
harder than you imagine
correcting mistakes
a challenge for sure
changing your life path
a daunting task
we would do well to remember
everyone needs assistance now and then
everyone could use a helping hand
everyone can benefit from kindness
no one is alone
or at least they shouldn't have to be
someone you know
needs your help
to change their life
and change our world
Copyright 2011 Ramblings by Dawn.  All rights reserved.