Saturday, May 7, 2011

Piece Of My Heart

I give away my heart
Piece by piece
And bit by bit
For it's the only thing
I have
That's good and true
And fit

I give away my heart
There are no strings attached
I offer you a part
I'm sure that it will match
The hole you have in yours
That simply needs a patch

And though it isn't much
It's the very best I own
I offer you this gift
So you are not alone
Together we will walk
Along a path unknown
And I will show you love
The best that I have known

So when you're feeling sad
Beaten or disgraced
Just look inside your hand
For this is where I've placed
A special little piece of love
To put the smile
Back on your face

I keep thinking about the lyrics to a song, "What the world needs now, is love sweet love.  Not just for some, but for everyone of us."  After all, isn't that what most of us spend our whole life searching for?  If we know that love is what we seek, wouldn't it be wise to offer love to the people we meet?  Where would the world be if we acted in love rather than anger?  Where would we be if we we acted with kindness and compassion instead of greed and indifference?  Is it really so difficult to offer a little bit of love?  What is it that we fear? 

So I offer you a little love. Break off a piece and pass it on.  This can be a great day.

Copyright 2011 Ramblings by Dawn.  All rights reserved.

1 comment:

  1. First and foremost, you are a poet. A beautiful, wonderful poet. Secondly, you are a poet with immense insights. This is a fantastic post and you are has an energy of it's own. It heals.
