Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Out of the Darkness

In the darkness
 of complaints
I'm not looking
 for the saints

I simply seek
 the little things
That touch my heart
And make it sing

A simple smile
A helping hand
One kind word
A little strand

To touch my heart
And make it shine
That I am fine

Today's project is acrylic paints on canvas.

Have you ever noticed how one comment, one complaint can color your whole day?  It only takes one to open the door.  The rest of the day you become skeptical, doubting and critical.  You see what is wrong all day long.  You see the darkness everywhere you turn.

On the flip side, starting you day with a kindness or encouragement colors your whole day in a positive way.
You see the good things around you.  You appreciate the smallest things.  You wear a smile throughout the day.  Your heart radiates with love, compassion and kindness. 

So start your day with this thought.  You are a special and unique person.  You are perfect today.  And tomorrow you will be even better. 

Have a colorful day.

Copyright 2011 Ramblings by Dawn.  All rights reserved.

1 comment:

  1. Your words & thoughts still inspiring & motivating me daily! Thanks!!
