Thursday, May 12, 2011

Light Of My Life

Do you have a light
Does it light up a room
Do you see the light
Does it light the way
Is it a good light
Do you tread light
Do you live to see the light
Is there light at the end of the tunnel
Do you have a green light
Do you let there be light
Have you been brought to light
Can you cast the light
Can you make light
Can you shed light
Can you see the light of day
Do you know the difference
between light and dark
Can you light a fire
Are you blinded by the light

Or have you said
Lights out

Often times people forget that they have a light inside of them.  Everyone's light is unique.  And every light shed's a different light on any situation.  I cannot see something through your eye's if you hide your light.  And you cannot see through my eye's if I do not share my light. 

Unfortunately, many people today have lost their light.  Their life has caused the light to go out.  Their desperation has left them in the dark, cold and forgotten.  And many of them do not live under a bridge somewhere.  Many of them live right next door. 

Do you know someone who lives in the darkness of fear?  Do you understand that to dispel fear all you need is light?  How many times have you had a deep dark secret that has sucked the light out of you?  I have.  And when I brought that fear into the light, it was no longer deep, no longer dark.

What is the light?  Light is compassion and forgiveness.  Light is kindness and caring.  Light is a simple smile and outreached hand.  Light is a spirit of understanding.  Light is love.

So today, I share my light.  Today I search for light.  Today I stand in the light.  Care to join me?

Copyright 2011 Ramblings by Dawn.  All rights reserved.

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