Tuesday, March 22, 2011


Stayed up late last night
Learning how to knit
Went to bed exhausted
Couldn't fall asleep
So I read for just a bit

The alarm sounded
bright and early
I turned over
a little surly

Rolled out of bed
Started the coffee
Did the dishes
Started the laundry
Started dinner
Started the computer
Grabbed my coffee

Sat down to write
Some touching thoughts
That's when I discovered
I was blocked

I made a list of things to do
Answered some emails
What will I do
Opened the windows
Let the sun shine in
Still didn't know where to begin

Then a message from a friend
Reminded me
That creativity wears many hats
That I had failed to see
I have cooked
I have cleaned
I have made a list
Creativity is alive in me

Ever have those days when there is so much on your mind that you don't know where to start?  Sometimes it is so intense that it throws everything out of whack.  For the last few weeks working on my blog has been the spark of my energy and zeal.  I was thrown for a loop today when I kept drawing a blank.  I shared my concern with a dear friend and this is what she said:

"Creative souls feel some sort of absence or void when we have a block.  When in fact, its our own creative energy taking a much needed nap.

We become addicted to the flow of that energy and when it is not available to us, we feel "off" and strain to come up with something.  Because we think an outcome has to be tangible or "pretty" or "poetic", we fail to recognize our choosing what outfit to wear, cooking, communicating a thought to a friend or making a grocery list is creativity in motion all the time.

Your creativity is just playing hide and seek with you right now."

So if you find yourself having a day that just doesn't seem to be going your way, remember it is a game of hide and seek.  So enjoy the game. 

Copyright 2011 Ramblings by Dawn.  All rights reserved.


  1. My creativity has been a life-long "blocked" need to search hard and long to find out what it is. :)


  2. So true. When moving from one phase of life to another causes many of these blocks. Hard to work through sometimes.

    Aunt Cheryl
