Sunday, May 13, 2012

As a mother...
I have learned patience
known overflowing joy
gained wisdom
cried many tears

As a mother...
I discover new perspectives
learn new talents
travel more roads
reflect more often

As a mother...
I understand forgiveness
believe in unconditional love
hope for a better world
and strive to be better every day

As a mother...
I understand consequences
value hard work
accept change
and cherish every moment

As a mother...
I am thankful for my children
They bring out the best in me

Today as I reflect on Mother's Day, I want to say thank you to my children, Marc Josef, Jayson Jeffry, Jaimee' Dawn and Kaycee JoAn.  Being your mother is the greatest challenge I have ever faced, the greatest gift I have ever received, and the greatest honor I have ever known.  I love each and everyone of you.

To Susan, I am so thankful that Jayson chose you to share his life.  You are a wonderful wife to my son.  You are an incredible mother to my granddaughter.  I love you as my own.

To Alexandra, you bring me joy each and every day.  I love you.

To all who wandered into my home and called me mom, thank you for letting me be a part of your life.  And know that you have touched my heart.

To all the mom's, as we celebrate Mother's Day, let us count our blessings, for they are many.

Happy Mother's Day!!

Copyright 2012 Ramblings by Dawn.  All rights reserved.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

The Masterpiece

an idea
making mistakes
starting again
ever evolving
more mistakes
moving forward
a masterpiece

What is a masterpiece?  Do you have to be a master to create a masterpiece? 

A masterpiece is what you create each day.  You are the master of your own design.  Some create with paint and brushes, some with clay, some with fabric and thread.  All of us create a masterpiece each day.  What we say, what we do, what we think all become fabric of our life.  Each day a masterpiece.  Each day a small piece in the grand scheme of our legacy.

Perfection is not required.  In fact, mistakes are a part of the creation process.  Some mistakes have to be fixed.  Some will be hidden.  And some become happy mistakes, adding beauty we cannot imagine.

Rejoice in the masterpiece you are creating.  For there will never be another with the beauty and unique design of your masterpiece.

Copyright 2012 Ramblings by Dawn.  All rights reserved.