free weekend
list of projects
coffee on
computer fired up
ready to go
computer goes down
all files lost
pictures floating in cyberspace
overwhelming panic
weekend shot
I woke up Saturday morning excited for this weekend to begin. All week long I compiled a list of things to do this weekend. Organize pictures and files on my computer, back them up to external hard drive, edit some writings, do some accounting etc. As I started organizing and getting ready to hook up the external hard drive, my computer screen goes blank. I restart my computer, try to pull up my files...all folders empty. Needless to say, I panicked. I packed up my computer and went in search of the geek squad. They assured me, it was an easy fix. However, it would be 24 to 48 hours until I got the computer back.
In that brief moment all my best laid plans gone. I hate to admit how much I missed my computer, but I did. I would be reading and want to check something on the computer. Alas the table was empty. So I spent the weekend trying to entertain myself in different ways. And while I enjoyed reading and sleeping a little later, I am thrilled to have my computer back.
Much like life, we have plans made and crash...something changes. Lesson learned...don't take anything for granted.
Copyright 2011 Ramblings by Dawn. All rights reserved.